Committed to Cartoning Machine / Three-dimensional Packaging Machine


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What is the range of automatic cartoning machines?
Hits:2970         Date:2019/12/19
The use of automatic cartoning machines is very wide, but not all cartons can be packed. The specific scope of cartoning machines depends on the carton packaging of the product. At present, the domestic machines are more mature Two types, insert box and spray glue.
Many customers and friends will ask such questions. For example, I make cosmetics. Can your boxing machine not load our products? Many netizens on the Internet also ask similar questions. In fact, everyone has committed such a problem. Boxing The packaging scope of the machine has nothing to do with the industry, depending on whether your carton is in the range of the two boxing forms of inserting and spraying.
On a message:How is the cartoner glued?      Next information:How to use the cartoner correctly?

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